Hair Extensions

Hair Extensions

Free Consultation
Open Seven Days a Week
Se Habla Español / Falamos Portugues

Our Hair Extensions

 Looking to add length to your natural hair? 

Whether you are for a more permanent hair style or if you just want it for that special weekend; check out below our 5 steps before getting your hair extensions! 

5 Things to Expect Before Getting Your Hair Extensions

  • Why?

    It is important to know why you are looking to add extensions, your 'why' will determine the length of time you want to have the extensions in.

  • Consultation

    Once you know the reason you are looking to add hair extensions its time to book a free consultation with us, that way we can analyze your hair and see what technique would fit best.

  • Preparation

    After your consultation, we will prepare your hair for you! This means having to do any color matching if necessary, preparing the hair with the technique decided, and having it ready for your appointment.

  • Appointment

    It's now time to get your hair done! There are many factors that will decide how long it will take to apply your extensions. Be sure to bring a drink to stay hydrated, some snacks, a fully charged phone, and/or a good book!

  • Aftercare

    Once your extensions are applied be sure to communicate with your hair stylist on the aftercare of your extensions. There are many things you can do to ensure your hair will stay beautiful for a long period of time!

*** With over 12 different techniques to apply your extensions we do disclose that the application process could take between 40 minutes to 7 hours to be finalized. We strongly recommend checking with your hairstylist on the amount of time it could take for us to finish your hair extension application. 

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